
The Managing committee took charge during third week of July 2018. Since then regular activities are being organized on behalf of IETE Kolkata Centre. The Executive Committee already conducted seven regular meetings and one Emergency EC meeting during this period. The decision has been taken to revive ISF branches and to initiate new branches. Initiatives has already been taken in this regard and the process of motivating technical institutes are going on. Initiatives are taken to induct more new members. During this period two ISF programs have been organized. It has also been decided to provide grant in aid to organize ISF activity. During the period July 2018 to March 2019, the IETE Kolkata Centre has organized seven activities out of which two activities are done under the ISF Centres and five activities are organized at IETE Kolkata Centre. In the 7th EC meeting of IETE Kolkata Centre, it was decided to revive the Quarterly News Letter “SIGNAL” of IETE Kolkata Centre under the leadership of the Secretary, IETE as Editor. Last version of Newsletter was published in December 2005 . Fifteen years Long tradition was suspended due to some unknown reasons. The members heartily welcomed the initiative taken by the Hony. Secretary to publish the IETE News Letter which has been stopped since 2005. It was decided that the volume and issue numbers will be continuous but the year of publication will start for 2019. This volume number will be 16 and the issue number will be 1, January-March 2019. The secretary will take the initiative to redesign the newsletter which will be uploaded in to the web portal of IETE and the same will be circulated to all members of IETE. The design will be done in A4 size. The following sections will be included into

  • From Chairman’s Desk
  • Editor’s Column
  • IETE Activities
  • ISF Activities
  • Technical Article
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2022January-March 2022181Details
2019July- September163Details